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Is quality website front-end important for your business?

Why does a business owner need a website at all? Maybe to increase trust in a company, showcase a brand, increase a presence in the network ... There are many goals, but in general it all boils down to attracting new customers, maintaining communication with loyal users, and ensuring sales growth. In this post, we'll talk about what a good front-end is and how a competent approach to its development can help grow your business.

Jamstack Conf 2021 Highlights

The conf took place on October 6-7, 2021. The theme of this year’s event is "Jamstack: How it started, how it’s going". The speakers explore how far the ecosystem and community have come in the last 5+ years, and why it’s such a fun time to be a frontend developer!

Gatsby vs Webflow: what to choose in 2021?

The modern world is developing rapidly, and new web technologies appear every day. Today, you can create a SaaS app, static page, or online store in a dozen different ways. Building a site on Webflow, as well as development on the Gatsby stack, has become widespread. Which one should you choose? After reading this article, you will get closer to the answer to this question.

Does your site need a redo on Jamstack?

The reasons for changing your website design vary depending on the specific marketing goals of your business. Most often, sites are redesigned for rebranding, increasing traffic, attracting more leads, and adding features to improve the user experience. When properly aligned with your overall business strategy, a redesign can help you boost conversions, rank higher, and meet the needs of your team and visitors.

Best WordPress alternatives in 2021

About half of all websites are now powered by WordPress. But despite its popularity, this CMS is often criticized, and people are wondering if it is worth using it at all in 2021.

Are Jamstack sites SEO-friendly?

While search engine optimization is still important, it has outgrown simple keyword placement and tag optimization. There are hundreds of ranking factors (if not more) that Google takes into account when placing pages in SERPs. However, we do not know the exact importance and value they have in ranking algorithms.

The best website builders to take your business off the ground in 2021

The modern way to quickly launch a business website is to use builders, no-code tools and special services that provide basic opportunities for starting sales on the web. But how do you know which platform suits your needs now and can grow with you? This review will help you find out.

The tools you need for your JAMstack site to take off

The success of a business today largely depends on the speed and reliability of a web application or site. In order to develop and launch a high-quality site on the Jamstack, you will need services that greatly simplify the job. In this review, we will tell you about the most popular tools, many of which we use in our projects. Of course, the list is far from complete, but the listed tools will be enough to build better, faster and more reliable sites in a shorter time frame and ultimately inc...

15+ Useful JAMstack resources

Jamstack has gained immense popularity among developers. This approach offers many benefits, ranging from much better performance to small business affordability, while also offering a range of better build tools. We have collected the most useful resources to help you, as a developer, navigate the world of a JAMstack development. Of course, the list is incomplete, but we will expand it!

Low Code, No Code, Pro Code - which approach to choose?

Surviving a fast-paced market, where new competitors emerge every day and we need to meet and exceed customer expectations, is not easy. Agility is the key to success.

Google Web Vitals and Jamstack

Web Vitals is a program launched by Google to create a common set of quality signals that can help measure the effectiveness of a user experience on the web. Google will soon start taking these metrics into account in its search rankings, and many developers and business owners will be wondering how to pass tests and get the highest rankings possible for their page or SPA.

How to couple Gatsby.js and WordPress

Developers love Jamstack and are increasingly using it in their work. But WordPress remains a very popular CMS: it has an excellent admin panel, which provides ample opportunities for content management. So why not take the very best from two different approaches, especially since there is such an opportunity now?

Why do you need to move to Headless CMS and JAMstack?

The JAMstack is not just a technology in the form of a specific set of tools. This is a new approach to creating static sites, with the choice of tools taken by the business owners and the developers. But when exactly it is the time to give up your old monolithic approach and follow the JAM trend? Well, let’s try to figure it out.

How the Jamstack approach can significantly speed up website development

A business suffers losses if it does not bring a product to market on time due to protracted development. There is a research that shows that a product that is six months late generates 33% less profit over five years; if it is released on time, but exceeds the budget by 50%, this leads to a decrease in profits by only 4%.

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