Jamstack websites and full-stack development services for business

Commitment to help small and mid-market businesses to become even more successful with help of modern web technologies is the mission of our web agency.

Jamstack websites (Next.js/Gatsby.js/11ty with Strapi/Sanity/Storyblok integration) and front-end development are our main focus, but we also create the back-end based on NodeJS, Next.js and use modern serverless tools extensively.

We are not sole freelancers,
we are a team

Would you like to hire a team consisting of: 1-2 frontend developers, 1 experienced team lead, 1 project manager and 1 QA specialist  for the same rate as an individual freelancer typically would suggest?

We manage frontend development related business processes by ourselves, so if you outsource your frontend tasks to us, you’ll be able to focus on other parts of your project.

Selected work

UX / UI and
Development Agency

Lucky Duck Agency

Development Studio

Ō Studio Website

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